2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315

ATG-5000 with Talk & Text
Current 135 Aircraft
15,630 Hours Total Time
11,980 Landings
(2) Pratt & Whitney PW545A
Honeywell Primus 1000 Avionics Suite
Dual Honeywell RCZ-851 w/8.33 Spacing
Dual Honeywell DM-850
Fairchild A200S CVR
Dual Honeywell DM-850
Universal UNS-1Csp
Dual Honeywell RNZ-850
Collins ALT-55B
Honeywell Mark VII EGPWS
Honeywell TCAS-II v/7.1
Dual Honeywell XS-852 Mode S
Honeywell Primus 880
Dual Honeywell RMU-850
Seven (7) Passenger Interior Seating includes One (1) Forward Side-Facing Seat, Center Club Arrangement, and Two (2) Forward-Facing Seats
Non-Belted Lavatory Seat
Forward Refreshment Center features Ice Drawer and Dual Heated Liquid Containers
AirCell ATG-5000 with Talk & Text
Overall Matterhorn White Base with Toreador Red, Black, and Tan Accents.
Enrolled On CESCOM
Doc 3 C/W December 2020
Doc 6 C/W August 2021
Doc 7 C/W November 2019
Doc 8 C/W May 2021
Doc 11 C/W December 2020
Doc 12 C/W September 2018
Doc 13 C/W December 2020
Aircraft specifications are always subject to verification by purchaser.
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2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315
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2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315
2004 CHALLENGER 300 | SN 20023
1992 CITATION II | SN 550-0706
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